Surf Camp – Mind. Body. Spirit. – In action

Megan Dittman

Surfing is a great example of the mind, body, spirit connection. Only when all three are completely aligned can you pop up on the board and experience the thrill of riding a wave. How do I know this? I am at Surf Camp this week! I am the oldest camper at 47 years young, and one of two adult campers pulling the average age up to about twelve. I watched as all the parents walked their kiddos out to the beach (secretly hoping one would stay and join me), and then turned to leave. I signed up for Surf Camp in February and 5 weeks ago I almost backed out. Why? Because my mind, and what I was telling myself, almost became my reality. My nerves started to fuel negative thoughts and self-talk. A voice in my head said:  

“I can’t do this. I’m too old. What if I can’t pop up on the board? What if I am the only adult? What if a shark grabs my ankle? What if a jellyfish stings me? What if the water is still too cold? What if I hit my head on the board and conk out?” And many other scary questions in the attempt to keep me from trying something that I’ve always loved watching other people do. It almost worked.

So, I reached deep inside and asked myself “What if you can do this? What inspired you to sign-up for Surf Camp Miss Megan?”

And my inner voice said, “I signed up for surf camp because I am inspired watching surfers ride the big waves in Hawaii. I want to experience something new. I want to learn something that will challenge me mentally and physically. I hope to meet a dolphin. And I love the ocean.”  Every time negative thoughts creep in, I dig deep and remind myself why I want to do this.

Today was REALLY hard; and my athleticism looked pathetic. What I realized today is that my body is the least bit of this equation. The most important part of this equation is my Spirit. I want to do this. I have ‘intention.’  I have a burning desire to get up on that board and I know why I want this experience. This fire fuels my Mind. While I was out there laying on my board, waiting for the right wave, I had to concentrate so hard, bobbing up and down.  There was no room to think about anything else except getting up on the board, also known as ‘mindful awareness.’ I was very much in the present moment. In this total state of concentration, I was able to propel myself off my stomach and onto my feet. Ok – so maybe this part only lasted a half-second, but still, it happened, and my mind had everything to do with it. And then there was my Body; it delivered the physical experience that my spirit and mind worked in lock step to propel me up onto my feet. When all three aligned, I was surfing; for a half-second!!😊

What’s the lesson (s)?

Our spirit fuels our mind. Our minds provide concentration to make the body do the impossible. The body provides the vehicle for the experience.

    What we tell ourselves becomes our physical reality.

    Limiting beliefs only serve to hold us back.

    Don’t ever stop being inspired to learn new tricks.

    The big waves provide the best ride.